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MultiArch Alpine Linux + S6 + NodeJS + NPM + Yarn

This image serves as the base image for applications / services that require NodeJS and NPM to manage dependencies (also includes Yarn and git).

Based on Alpine Linux from the s6 image with the packages nodejs, npm, yarn and git installed in it.

NodeJS ARM32 v6/v7 Issue

NPM seems to hang in current node (20.x.x) versions, affects armv7l and armhf builds, sticking to 18.x.x version from Alpine Linux 3.18 repositories until this issue (relevant QEMU issue) is resolved.

Get the Image

Pull the image from Docker Hub.

docker pull woahbase/alpine-nodejs
Image Tags

The image is tagged respectively for the following architectures,





latest tag is annotated as multiarch so pulling without any tags should fetch the correct image for your architecture. Same goes for any of the version tags.

non-x86_64 builds have embedded binfmt_misc support and contain the qemu-user-static binary that allows for running it also inside an x86_64 environment that has support for it.


We can call node or npm directly on the container, or run bash in the container to get a user-scoped shell,

docker run --rm -it --name docker_nodejs woahbase/alpine-nodejs node --version
docker run --rm -it --name docker_nodejs woahbase/alpine-nodejs /bin/bash
Multi-Arch Support

If you want to run images for other architectures on a x86_64 machine, you will need to have binfmt support configured for your machine before running the image. multiarch, has made it easy for us containing that into a docker container, just run

docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes

Now images built for other architectures will also be executable. This is optional though, without the above, you can still run the image that is made for your architecture.


We can customize the runtime behaviour of the container with the following environment variables.

ENV Vars Default Description
S6_NPM_PACKAGES empty string Space-separated list of packages to install globally with npm.
S6_NPM_PROJECTDIR unset If specified, runs npm install in this dir as a pre-task at runtime.
S6_NPM_SKIP_INSTALL unset Skips running install task inside S6_NPM_PROJECTDIR.
S6_NPM_LOCAL_PACKAGES empty string Space-separated list of packages to install locally with npm inside S6_NPM_PROJECTDIR.
S6_YARN_PACKAGES empty string Space-separated list of packages to install globally with yarn.
S6_YARN_PROJECTDIR unset If specified, runs yarn install in this directory as a pre-task at runtime.
S6_YARN_SKIP_INSTALL unset Skips running install task inside S6_YARN_PROJECTDIR.
S6_YARN_LOCAL_PACKAGES empty string Space-separated list of packages to install locally with yarn inside S6_YARN_PROJECTDIR.
S6_NEEDED_PACKAGES empty string Space-separated list of extra APK packages to install on start. E.g. "curl git tzdata"
PUID 1000 Id of S6_USER.
PGID 100 Group id of S6_USER.
S6_USER alpine (Preset) Default non-root user for services to drop privileges to.
S6_USERHOME /home/alpine (Preset) HOME directory for S6_USER.
Did you know?

You can check your own UID/GID by running the command id in a terminal.


  • If the node project dependencies have local binaries inside node_modules/.bin, those are automatically added to path.

Build Your Own

Feel free to clone (or fork) the repository and customize it for your own usage, build the image for yourself on your own systems, and optionally, push it to your own public (or private) repository.

Here's how...

Setting up

Before we clone the /repository, we must have Git, GNU make, and Docker (optionally, with buildx plugin for multi-platform images) setup on the machine. Also, for multi-platform annotations, we might require enabling experimental features of Docker.

Now, to get the code,

Clone the repository with,

git clone
cd alpine-nodejs

To get a list of all available targets, run

make help
Always Check Before You Make!

Did you know, we could check what any make target is going to execute before we actually run them, with

make -n <targetname> <optional args>

Build and Test

To create the image for your architecture, run the build and test target with

make build test 

For building an image that targets another architecture, it is required to specify the ARCH parameter when building. e.g.

make build test ARCH=aarch64 
make build test ARCH=armhf 
make build test ARCH=armv7l 
make build test ARCH=x86_64 
Build Parameters

All images have a few common build parameters that can be customized at build time, like

  • ARCH
The target architecture to build for. Defaults to host architecture, auto-detected at build-time if not specified. Also determines if binfmt support is required before build or run and runs the regbinfmt target automatically. Possible values are aarch64, armhf, armv7l, and x86_64.
The date of the build. Can be used to create separate tags for images. (format: yyyymmdd)
The dockerfile to use for build. Defaults to the file Dockerfile, but if per-arch dockerfiles exist, (e.g. for x86_64 the filename would be Dockerfile_x86_64) that is used instead.
The command to run for testing the image after build. Runs in a bash shell.
The version of the app/tool, may need to be preset before starting the build (e.g. for binaries from github releases), or extracted from the image after build (e.g. for APK or pip packages).
The registry to push to, defaults to the Docker Hub Registry ( or any custom registry that is set via docker configurations. Does not need to be changed for local or test builds, but to override, either pass it by setting an environment variable, or with every make command.
The organization (or user) name under which the image repositories exist, defaults to woahbase. Does not need to be changed for local or test builds, but to override, either pass it by setting an environment variable, or with every make command.

The image may also require custom parameters (like binary architecture). Before you build, check the makefile for a complete list of parameters to see what may (or may not) need to be set.

BuildX and Self-signed certificates

If you're using a private registry (a-la docker distribution server) with self-signed certificates, that fail to validate when pulling/pushing images. You will need to configure buildx to allow insecure access to the registry. This is configured via the config.toml file. A sample is provided in the repository, make sure to replace YOUR.PRIVATE.REGISTRY with your own (include port if needed).

Make to Run

Running the image creates a container and either starts a service (for service images) or provides a shell (can be either a root-shell or usershell) to execute commands in, depending on the image. We can run the image with

make run 

But if we just need a root-shell in the container without any fance pre-tasks (e.g. for debug or to test something bespoke), we can run bash in the container with --entrypoint /bin/bash. This is wrapped in the makefile as

make shell 
Nothing vs All vs Run vs Shell

By default, if make is run without any arguments, it calls the target all. In our case this is usually mapped to the target run (which in turn may be mapped to shell).

There may be more such targets defined as per the usage of the image. Check the makefile for more information.

Push the Image

If the build and test steps finish without any error, and we want to use the image on other machines, it is the next step push the image we built to a container image repository (like /hub), for that, run the push target with

make push 

If the built image targets another architecture then it is required to specify the ARCH parameter when pushing. e.g.

make push ARCH=aarch64 
make push ARCH=armhf 
make push ARCH=armv7l 
make push ARCH=x86_64 
Pushing Multiple Tags

With a single make push, we are actually pushing 3 tags of the same image, e.g. for x86_64 architecture, they're namely

  • alpine-nodejs:x86_64
The actual image that is built.
  • alpine-nodejs:x86_64_(version)
It is expected that the application is versioned when built or packaged, it can be specified in the tag, this makes pulling an image by tag possible. Usually this is obtained from the parameter VERSION, which by default, is set by calling a function to extract the version string from the package installed in the container, or from github releases. Can be skipped with the parameter SKIP_VERSIONTAG to a non-empty string value like 1.
  • alpine-nodejs:x86_64_(version)_(builddate)
When building multiple versions of the same image (e.g. for providing fixes or revisions), this ensures that a more recent push does not fully replace a previously pushed image. This way, although the architecture and version tags are replaced, it is possible to roll back to the previously built image by build date (format yyyymmdd). This value is obtained from the BUILDDATE parameter, and if not essential, can be skipped by setting the parameter SKIP_BUILDDATETAG to a non-empty string value like 1.
Pushing To A Private Registry

If you want to push the image to a custom registry that is not pre-configured on your system, you can set the REGISTRY variable either on the build environment, or as a makefile parameter, and that will be used instead of the default Docker Hub repository. Make sure to have push access set up before you actually push, and include port if needed. E.g.

export REGISTRY=your.private.registry:5000
make build test push


make build test push REGISTRY=your.private.registry:5000

Annotate Manifest(s)

For single architecture images, the above should suffice, the built image can be used in the host machine, and on other machines that have the same architecture too, i.e. after a push.

But for use-cases that need to support multiple architectures, there's a couple more things that need to be done. We need to create (or amend if already created beforehand) a manifest for the image(s) that we built, then annotate it to map the images to their respective architectures. And for our three tags created above we need to do it thrice.

Did you know?

We can inspect the manifest of any image by running

docker manifest inspect <imagename>:<optional tag, default is latest>

Tag Latest

Assuming we built the images for all supported architectures, to facilitate pulling the correct image for the architecture, we can create/amend the latest manifest and annotate it to map the tags :aarch64, :armhf, :armv7l, :x86_64 to the tag :latest by running

make annotate_latest 
How it works

First we create or amend the manifest with the tag latest

docker manifest create \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:latest \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:aarch64 \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armhf \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armv7l \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:x86_64 \
docker manifest create --amend \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:latest \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:aarch64 \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armhf \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armv7l \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:x86_64 \

Then annotate the image for each architecture in the manifest with

docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch arm64 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:latest \
docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch arm --variant v6 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:latest \
docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch arm --variant v7 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:latest \
docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch amd64 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:latest \

And finally, push it to the repository using

docker manifest push -p woahbase/alpine-nodejs:latest

Tag Version

Next, to facilitate pulling images by version, we create/amend the image-version manifest and annotate it to map the tags :aarch64_(version), :armhf_(version), :armv7l_(version), :x86_64_(version) to the tag :(version) by running

make annotate_version 
How it works

First we create or amend the manifest with the tag (version)

docker manifest create \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:aarch64_(version) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armhf_(version) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armv7l_(version) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:x86_64_(version) \
docker manifest create --amend \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:aarch64_(version) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armhf_(version) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armv7l_(version) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:x86_64_(version) \

Then annotate the image for each architecture in the manifest with

docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch arm64 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version) \
docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch arm --variant v6 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version) \
docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch arm --variant v7 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version) \
docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch amd64 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version) \

And finally, push it to the repository using

docker manifest push -p woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version)

Tag Build-Date

Then, (optionally) we create/amend the (version)_(builddate) manifest and annotate it to map the tags :aarch64_(version)_(builddate), :armhf_(version)_(builddate), :armv7l_(version)_(builddate), :x86_64_(version)_(builddate) to the tag :(version)_(builddate) by running

make annotate_date 
How it works

First we create or amend the manifest with the tag (version)_(builddate)

docker manifest create \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version)_(builddate) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:aarch64_(version)_(builddate) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armhf_(version)_(builddate) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armv7l_(version)_(builddate) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:x86_64_(version)_(builddate) \
docker manifest create --amend \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version)_(builddate) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:aarch64_(version)_(builddate) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armhf_(version)_(builddate) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:armv7l_(version)_(builddate) \
woahbase/alpine-nodejs:x86_64_(version)_(builddate) \

Then annotate the image for each architecture in the manifest with

docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch arm64 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version)_(builddate) \
docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch arm --variant v6 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version)_(builddate) \
docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch arm --variant v7 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version)_(builddate) \
docker manifest annotate --os linux --arch amd64 \
    woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version)_(builddate) \

And finally, push it to the repository using

docker manifest push -p woahbase/alpine-nodejs:(version)_(builddate)

That's all folks! Happy containerizing!


Sources at Github. Built and tested at home using Buildbot. Images at Docker Hub.

Maintained (or sometimes a lack thereof?) by WOAHBase.