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Deprecation Warning

This image has been deprecated and no updates (or support) may be available in future. Even though it is a container, it may or may not keep working as expected, use at your own risk.

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Container for Alpine Linux + S6 + GNU LibC + Netdata

This image serves as a host or container monitor using Netdata. Usually coupled with my alpine-influxdb image which has the OpenTSDB listener enabled to collect the metrics, and alpine-grafana to visualize the metrics.

Based on Alpine Linux from the s6 image with netdata installed in it. Versioned accordingly with releases from /netdata/netdata.

Get the Image

Pull the image for your architecture if it's already available from Docker Hub.

docker pull woahbase/alpine-netdata
Image Tags

The image is tagged respectively for the following architectures,

latest tag is retagged from x86_64, so pulling without any tag fetches you that image. For any other architectures specify the tag for that architecture. e.g. for armv8 or aarch64 host it is alpine-netdata:aarch64.

non-x86_64 builds have embedded binfmt_misc support and contain the qemu-user-static binary that allows for running it also inside an x86_64 environment that has support for it.


Running the container starts the host monitor service.

docker run --rm -it \
  --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \
  --name docker_netdata \
  -p 19999:19999 \
  -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro \
  -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
  -v /proc:/host/proc:ro \
  -v /sys:/host/sys:ro \
  -v $PWD/netdata:/etc/netdata \
Multi-Arch Support

If you want to run images for other architectures on a x86_64 machine, you will need to have binfmt support configured for your machine before running the image. multiarch, has made it easy for us containing that into a docker container, just run

docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes

Now images built for other architectures will also be executable. This is optional though, without the above, you can still run the image that is made for your architecture.


  • Configs are read from /etc/netdata/netdata.conf. Use the sample or mount your own here. The example above has the /proc and /sys mounted, and privilege to monitor the host.

Stop the container with a timeout, (defaults to 2 seconds)

docker stop -t 2 docker_netdata

Restart the container with

docker restart docker_netdata

Removes the container, (always better to stop it first and -f only when needed most)

docker rm -f docker_netdata

Shell access

Get a shell inside a already running container,

docker exec -it docker_netdata /bin/bash

Optionally, login as a non-root user, (default is alpine)

docker exec -u alpine -it docker_netdata /bin/bash

Or set user/group id e.g 1000/100,

docker exec -u 1000:100 -it docker_netdata /bin/bash


To check logs of a running container in real time

docker logs -f docker_netdata


Run the container as a service with the following as reference (and modify it as needed).

With docker-compose (alpine-netdata.yml)

      - SYS_PTRACE
    container_name: netdata
    # depends_on:
    #   - rsyslog
      mode: global
        condition: on-failure
        delay: 10s
        max_attempts: 5
        window: 120s
    # environment:
    #   TZ: ${TZ}
    # healthcheck:
    #   interval: 2m
    #   retries: 5
    #   start_period: 5m
    #   test:
    #   - CMD
    #   - curl
    #   - -f
    #   - http://localhost:19999/
    #   timeout: 10s
    hostname: netdata
    image: woahbase/alpine-netdata:${NETDATA_TAG:-latest}
    network_mode: bridge
      - protocol: tcp
        published: 19999
        target: 19999
      # - type: bind
      #   source: ${NETDATA_DIR:?err}/config/${HOSTNAME}.conf
      #   target: /etc/netdata/netdata.conf
      #   bind:
      #     create_host_path: false
      - type: bind
        source: /proc
        target: /host/proc
        read_only: true
          create_host_path: false
      - type: bind
        source: /sys
        target: /host/sys
        read_only: true
          create_host_path: false
      - type: bind
        source: /etc/localtime
        target: /etc/localtime
        read_only: true
          create_host_path: false

Build Your Own

Feel free to clone (or fork) the repository and customize it for your own usage, build the image for yourself on your own systems, and optionally, push it to your own public (or private) repository.

Here's how...

Setting up

Before we clone the /repository, we must have Git, GNU make, and Docker (optionally, with buildx plugin for multi-platform images) setup on the machine. Also, for multi-platform annotations, we might require enabling experimental features of Docker.

Clone the repo with,

git clone
cd alpine-netdata

Always Check Before You Make!

Did you know, we could check what any make target is going to execute before we actually run them, with

make -n <targetname> <optional args>

Build and Test

To create the image for your architecture, run the build and test target with

make build test 

For building an image that targets another architecture, it is required to specify the ARCH parameter when building. e.g.

make build test ARCH=aarch64 
make build test ARCH=armhf 
make build test ARCH=armv7l 
make build test ARCH=x86_64 

Make to Run

Running the image creates a container and either starts a service (for service images) or provides a shell (can be either a root-shell or usershell) to execute commands in, depending on the image. We can run the image with

make run 

But if we just need a root-shell in the container without any fance pre-tasks (e.g. for debug or to test something bespoke), we can run bash in the container with --entrypoint /bin/bash. This is wrapped in the makefile as

make shell 
Nothing vs All vs Run vs Shell

By default, if make is run without any arguments, it calls the target all. In our case this is usually mapped to the target run (which in turn may be mapped to shell).

There may be more such targets defined as per the usage of the image. Check the makefile for more information.

Push the Image

If the build and test steps finish without any error, and we want to use the image on other machines, it is the next step push the image we built to a container image repository (like /hub), for that, run the push target with

make push 

If the built image targets another architecture then it is required to specify the ARCH parameter when pushing. e.g.

make push ARCH=aarch64 
make push ARCH=armhf 
make push ARCH=armv7l 
make push ARCH=x86_64 

That's all folks! Happy containerizing!


Sources at Github. Images at Docker Hub.

Maintained (or sometimes a lack thereof?) by WOAHBase.